CSR & Environment

CSR & Environment
As a company that handles, stores and distributes materials classified as electronic waste, Northern California has legal responsibilities in relation to environmental protection and sustainability. For this reason we have developed an Environmental Management System that provides a general framework to reduce the environmental impact in our company. This framework applies to all areas of our operations and to all persons involved in them, including personnel, contractors, suppliers and partners. Likewise, we implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies as part of the identity of our company. We take pride in our integrity and value the trust that our staff, suppliers, and customers place in us with the following measures:


We do everything possible to promote sustainable practices that respect the environment in our daily work. We prioritize the reuse and recycling of all electronic devices we handle, including its components. We actively seek to minimize the materials we send to landfills and, whenever possible, look for alternative disposal modes for phones and components that can not be recycled.

Health & Wellness

Our staff is very important to us, as we recognize that having a happy and healthy team will help our business to prosper. We promote various initiatives to promote the physical and mental health of our employees and we strive to maintain an open, healthy and supportive environment in the face of personal problems that may arise.
Northern California SLCalle of Rock Art of Spain, 3 28300, Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain 34 690 276 747 // 34 649 869 390 // 34 650 234 682
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